What are retargeting campaigns?

women making an online purchase
Only 2% of the first time visitors to your business website will immediately buy a product, order an ebook, subscribe to a newsletter, join a campaign, etc. For the rest of the 98% of your potential customers, you need to have retargeting campaigns.


What are the retargeting campaigns?

They are not magical, nor something to use to stalk and therefore scare away your potential customers. Retargeting campaigns are digital marketing processes through which you try to re-engage people who have reached your website before, but they have not converted yet to customers – so they did not shop, subscribe or join your business campaigns.

Learn how to use the latest marketing technology available to bring those potential customers back to your online business! Next time they visit, they will be more likely to buy your products or subscribe to your campaign!

How do you re-engage the users?

In all retargeting campaigns, you need to track some data of the potential customers that reached your business online. Usually, this tracking is done automatically. You might collect their IP address or their email addresses (with their approval).

Once you have this data, here are how some retargeting campaigns work:

Website retargeting or “pixel-based” retargeting

This is the most common method for retargeting anonymous site visitors. When people arrive on your website, the code behind your site creates an anonymous cookie (a small piece of data also called “pixel”) and stores the visitors’ web browsers. When they leave your website for other platforms, that cookie automatically informs those platforms to serve your potential customers specific ads based on the page they came from – your business website!

Social media retargeting

The distinction between social media retargeting and website retargeting is that instead of banner ads, social media platforms serve your potential customers ads. Basically, when potential customers leave your website without engaging and step into one or more of the social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), the cookie follows and reminds them about your business with the social media ads you prepared for that specific channel.

Email retargeting

This type of campaign requires people who have subscribed to your business and have provided their email addresses for marketing purposes. First, upload your database of email addresses to other CRM and social media platforms. Then, the platforms identify the users based on these email addresses, and display your business ads just to them… reminding them about your brand, offer or campaign.

There are many other retargeting strategies you could use. These should be tailored to your marketing goals: Do you want to raise more brand awareness? Do you want to convert users into shoppers? Do you want people to invite their friends to visit your website, and expand your pool potential customers?

Any goal you have in mind, Runningfish is ready to assist you in the development and implementation of your custom retargeting campaign!

Common questions

What specific actions can be taken to optimize retargeting campaigns for higher conversion rates?

To optimize retargeting campaigns for higher conversion rates, businesses can implement several strategic actions. First, personalization is key; tailoring ads based on the visitor’s previous interactions with the site can significantly boost engagement. For instance, showing products that a visitor added to their cart but didn’t purchase can remind them of what they left behind. Secondly, timing the ads effectively plays a critical role. Ads that are displayed too frequently can annoy potential customers, while those shown too infrequently may lose impact. Finding the right balance is crucial. Additionally, utilizing A/B testing allows marketers to compare different versions of their ads to see which one performs better, thus enabling them to optimize their campaigns based on concrete data. By focusing on these areas, businesses can enhance the efficiency of their retargeting efforts and see a marked improvement in their conversion rates.

How does one measure the success of retargeting campaigns?

Measuring the success of retargeting campaigns involves tracking several key metrics to evaluate their effectiveness. Conversion rate is one of the most direct indicators, measuring the percentage of targeted users who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. Additionally, businesses often look at the click-through rate (CTR), which shows how often people who see the ad end up clicking on it. This can provide insights into the ad’s appeal and relevance to the audience. Return on investment (ROI) is also crucial, as it helps assess the financial efficacy of the retargeting efforts by comparing the profit generated from the campaign against its cost. Furthermore, analyzing the cost per acquisition (CPA) can help businesses understand the expense involved in converting a viewer into a customer. By closely monitoring these metrics, businesses can fine-tune their strategies to maximize the benefits of their retargeting campaigns.

Are there privacy concerns associated with retargeting campaigns, and how can they be addressed?

Privacy concerns are a significant consideration in retargeting campaigns, especially with the increasing scrutiny on data protection practices. To address these concerns, businesses must ensure that their retargeting strategies comply with data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the U.S. This involves obtaining explicit consent from users before collecting and using their data for advertising purposes. It’s also essential to provide clear information about what data is being collected, how it is being used, and who it is being shared with. Additionally, businesses should offer users the ability to easily opt out of tracking and to control their personal information. By implementing these practices, companies not only comply with legal requirements but also build trust with their customers, showing that they value and respect their privacy.