How to improve your Google ranking based on the mobile friendliness of your website

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Why do you need to care about Google and the mobile-friendliness of your website?

Here is some information you should consider:

  1. 94% of all organic search traffic comes from Google. So, when people reach your website, it’s because they ran a Google search.
  2. For a while now, during the indexing process, Google primarily considers the mobile version of your site.
  3. Three out of every five searches happen on mobile devices. The majority of your customers will reach you through their smartphones.
  4. Nine out of 10 mobile searches result in a visit or a purchase. You need to be ready for these mobile searches with a mobile-friendly website!


What Google rewards when indexing mobile-friendly websites

  1. Responsive design, meaning that your website changes depending on the size of the user’s screen;
  2. Ease of use and navigation: your customers should be able to load all pieces of content on your page, read the text available without zooming, easily scroll and interact with any menu or buttons.
  3. Fast loading of your website;
  4. Non-intrusive ads that could negatively affect the user’s experience on your website.


How to make Google happy and get a better ranking

  1. Make your website responsive, which implicitly means it will be mobile-friendly. As the design changes to fit the size of any screen, a responsive website ranks well on both mobile and desktop versions.
  2. Choose a website layout for mobile devices, focusing on vertical scrolling and easy-to-push buttons. Avoid horizontal scrolling, small check boxes or dropdown menus.
  3. Optimize your content for mobile experience. As most people reach your website on their smartphones, it makes sense to produce your content with a mobile-first user in mind: use less text, shorten paragraphs, combine text with images or videos, or even audio content, etc.
  4. Get the help of a web developer to work on details that improve your website speed: leverage browser caching, minify JavaScript and CSS, compress images to decrease file size, etc.
  5. If you run ads or pop-ups on your page, make sure these do not ruin the users’ experience. Google has started a war against what it calls “intrusive interstitials” that negatively affect the navigation experience of your site’s visitors.


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Common Questions

How does Google prioritize mobile-friendliness in its indexing process, and what impact does it have on website rankings?

Google prioritizes mobile-friendliness in its indexing process to enhance the user experience for the growing number of mobile users. With the majority of searches now happening on mobile devices, Google aims to ensure that search results are tailored to meet the needs of these users. As a result, during the indexing process, Google primarily considers the mobile version of a website, assessing factors such as responsive design, ease of navigation, fast loading times, and non-intrusive advertising. Websites that provide a seamless mobile experience are more likely to rank higher in search results, as Google rewards mobile-friendly sites with improved visibility. This emphasis on mobile-friendliness reflects Google’s commitment to delivering relevant and accessible content to users across all devices, ultimately influencing website rankings and organic search traffic.

What specific elements contribute to a website being considered mobile-friendly by Google?

Several specific elements contribute to a website being considered mobile-friendly by Google:

  1. Responsive Design: Websites that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations are deemed mobile-friendly. Responsive design ensures that content is displayed optimally across different devices, enhancing user experience.
  2. Ease of Use and Navigation: Mobile-friendly websites prioritize ease of navigation, ensuring that users can access content and features effortlessly without excessive zooming or scrolling. Intuitive menus, buttons, and links facilitate smooth browsing on mobile devices.
  3. Fast Loading Times: Websites that load quickly on mobile devices are favored by Google. Fast loading times are essential for providing a seamless user experience and reducing bounce rates. Optimization techniques such as image compression, browser caching, and minification of code contribute to improved loading speeds.
  4. Non-Intrusive Advertising: Google discourages the use of intrusive ads that disrupt the user experience on mobile devices. Mobile-friendly websites feature ads that are seamlessly integrated and do not interfere with navigation or content consumption. Avoiding pop-ups, interstitials, and other intrusive ad formats helps maintain a positive user experience.

By incorporating these elements into their websites, businesses can enhance mobile-friendliness and improve their chances of ranking higher in Google search results.

What are the best practices for optimizing a website’s mobile experience to align with Google’s preferences and improve search rankings?

Optimizing a website’s mobile experience to align with Google’s preferences and improve search rankings involves several best practices. Firstly, employing responsive design ensures that your website seamlessly adjusts to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent user experience. Additionally, prioritize a mobile-friendly layout, focusing on vertical scrolling and easy-to-tap buttons while avoiding features like horizontal scrolling or small checkboxes that hinder navigation on smaller screens. Content optimization is crucial, with an emphasis on concise, scannable formats and the integration of multimedia elements to enhance engagement. Speed optimization techniques, including image optimization and file minification, help improve loading times, which Google favors in its ranking algorithm. It’s essential to avoid intrusive ads that disrupt the user experience on mobile devices, opting instead for non-intrusive formats. Regular testing and optimization, using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, ensure ongoing improvement in mobile performance and search ranking. By implementing these strategies, websites can enhance their mobile-friendliness and visibility in search results, driving increased traffic and engagement.